Our eye care team at Vision Associates of Westland is proud to offer expert eye care services for residents throughout Westland, Canton, Plymouth, Livonia, Garden City, and Wayne, MI. When it comes to optometry services, most of our clients are familiar with those services associated with corrective vision, such as eyeglasses and contact lenses that help with farsightedness and nearsightedness. However, we also offer robust eye healthcare services that focus on the eye's overall health and eye conditions that may impact its health, such as dry eyes.

Dry Eye

An Uncomfortable and Irritating Experience

Dry eyes are an unfortunate but somewhat common eye condition that occurs when the eyes are unable to produce enough tears to properly moisten the eye and maintain what we call a tear film across the eyes. Without such proper lubrication, eyes can feel dry and irritated. The effect on the person with dry eyes can range from minor discomfort to aggravating, near-constant pain, and irritation. Wherever you fall on that spectrum with dry eyes, our Michigan optometrist team wants you to know there is help.

But first, before we can recommend the best dry eye treatment for you, our team will need to complete an exam to determine the cause of your dry eyes. Such causes include environmental conditions, digital eye strain, medical issues, surgical complications, genetic predispositions, and aging.

Finding the Right Dry Eye Treatment for You

Only after a thorough exam and consideration of the entirety of your medical history can your eye doctor begin to build the right treatment plan for your dry eyes. This is because sometimes dry eye treatment must also be coordinated with other healthcare needs, such as glaucoma management.

Other times, your dry eyes may be resolved by changing something specific about your lifestyle, such as switching to contact lenses from eyeglasses. Contact lenses, or at least some of them, can be specifically designed to retain moisture against one's eye. This reduces how many tears the eye would otherwise need to produce to retain a proper tear film.

Other common types of treatment for dry eyes include prescription eye drops that simulate tears and help promote natural tear development, the recommendation of warm compresses to help unclog the glands that produce tears, and the recommendation of lifestyle changes like reducing how often one looks at screens. In some severe dry eye syndrome cases, an eye doctor may recommend a surgical solution as a more permanent solution.

Schedule Your Eye Doctor Visit Today

Are you looking for an eye doctor near you? Whether your dry eyes cause mild or severe irritation, you deserve relief! Contact our team at Vision Associates of Westland today to sit down with an optometrist and get the right dry eye treatment for you.

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