Tips for Managing Chronic Dry Eye Disease

Chronic dry eye disease is a prevalent condition that affects many individuals and effective management of this condition can be crucial for maintaining eye health and overall quality of life. Thankfully, we at Vision Associates of Westland, your eye doctor in Westland, MI, are here to help. Here are some professional tips for managing chronic dry eye disease. We also serve Canton, MI, Plymouth, MI, Lavonia, MI, and Garden City, MI.

Use of Artificial Tears

Artificial tears are a common treatment for dry eye disease. They can help lubricate the eyes and provide temporary relief from dryness. Over-the-counter artificial tears are also available but it might be important to choose a preservative-free option if you use them frequently. An optometrist in Westland, MI, on our team can recommend specific brands and formulations that are best suited to your needs.

Prescription Medications

In some cases, over-the-counter solutions may not be sufficient, and prescription medications may be necessary. Thankfully, an eye doctor in Westland, MI, can prescribe the appropriate medication based on your specific condition and monitor its effectiveness.

Lifestyle Modifications

Certain lifestyle changes may significantly improve the symptoms of chronic dry eye disease. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help. Limiting screen time and taking frequent breaks during extended periods of computer use might also reduce eye strain and dryness. Using a humidifier in your home may also help maintain moisture in the air, especially during dry seasons.

Environmental Factors

Managing environmental factors can also help minimize dry eye symptoms. Protecting your eyes from wind, smoke, and air pollution by wearing sunglasses or safety goggles can help prevent irritation. Avoiding dry or dusty environments and using air filters in your home might also help reduce exposure to irritants.

Get Dry Eye Treatment from an Optometrist Near You

If you are experiencing symptoms of chronic dry eye disease, it may be important to seek professional care. The good new is we at Vision Associates of Westland, your optometrist in Westland, MI, offers expert eye care services to help manage and treat dry eye disease. Schedule an appointment today to receive the dry eye care you need for your dry eye condition. Call us at (734) 326-2160 for dry eye treatment from an optometrist near you. We also serve Canton, MI, Plymouth, MI, Lavonia, MI, and Garden City, MI.

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